Sunny Jovita – 2301939046
Week 7
Disclaimer: This blog is for educational purposes only.
Vulnerability mapping is commonly used for identifying or detecting of possible security risks and map them to their target.
Types of vulnerabilities mapping
- Design vulnerabilities = found in the software or protocol specification.
- Implementation vulnerabilities = found in code (error handling, exception, etc).
- Operational vulnerabilities = found due to the improper configuration and deployment in an environment.
- Local vulnerabilities = the attacker needs a local access to trigger vulnerability in the target.
- Remote vulnerabilites = different with the local one, the attacker doesn’t need local access to trigger or exploit the target’s vulnerabilities.
4 Vulnerability taxonomy
1. Gain access
- smart bruteforcing
- automated exploitation
- manual exploitation
- social engineering campaign
- web app scanning and exploitation
2. Take control
- command shell session
- meterpreter session
- manual authentication
- proxy and vpn pivoting
3. Collect evidence
- run evidence collection
- live reporting
- collect credentials
4. Discover devices
- scan
- import scan (nmap, nexpose, etc)
- inititate nexpose scan
- manually add device
Tools for vulnerability mapping
- openVAS
- w3af
- sqlmap
- metasploit
- uniscan
- nikto
I usually use nikto and uniscan while doing the vulnerability mapping because both of them give me detailed information as I expected. Recently, I have been trying to use openVAS, sqlmap, and w3af while performing penetration testing to fing the vulnerabilites.
OpenVAS = able to produce a powerful vulnerability platform.
These are the openVAS features:
- scanner
- manager
- assistance
- administrator
Sqlmap = detects and attemps to exploit sql injection issues in database server.
W3af = detects various vulnerabilties in web application.