This project is an online shopping system and programmed in Java (IntelliJ IDEA) by using Swing and AWT packages to create a GUI (Graphical User Interface). The main aim of this project is to allow the customer to shop virtually using the internet and let customers to buy items of their desire from the store. The other goals are to improve the services of customers. It maintains the details of customer payments, product receipts, additional products, and also cancelling orders as well. The interface will give an easy and simple performance. The system will also provide some features for customers such as payment by cod (cash on delivery), cashless payment, secure registration, and others. For the payment selection, the customer will be asked to fill a payment option based on their preference (cashless or cash on delivery). In this system, customers are free to browse the catalogue and select products of interest. The selected items may be collected in a shopping cart, and it will count the total price of the products. At the checkout time, more information such as name, address, and telephone number of the customer will be needed to complete the transaction. A notification such as a pop up message box will be displayed as soon as the order has been confirmed.
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